Mi-Hui Im, Jong-Gyu Lee, Seong-Yeong Nam, Ji-Hwan An |
제지산업의 지속가능한 처리공정을 위한 제지슬러지 재활용 기술 |
임미희, 이종규, 남성영, 안지환 |
한국지질자원연구원 |
Abstract |
This paper has investigated physicochemical properties and conventional and environmental-friendly treatment methods of paper mill sludge to emphasize the importance and necessity of the sludge recycling. The paper mill sludge generally shows high contents of calcium and water, and is mostly discharged by landfill after incineration process rather than being recycled due to technical or economical problems. In recent years, however, several possible methods for recycling the paper mill sludge have been suggested for its sustainable process as follows; compost, raw material for the construction and paper industry, new energy source for reducing fossil fuel use and raw material of activated carbon for treating paper mill wastewater. Thus the authors suggest that practical recycling technologies of the paper mill sludge must be developed for substantiality in the paper industry through comprehending physicochemical compositions and generation status of the sludge and actively performing various related studies. Furthermore, this investigation could be used as preliminary information for the study on recycled paper development using paper mill sludge incineration ash. |