Trends of Photosynthetic Bio-solar Energy Conversion Technology |
Yong Jae Kim, Hyeonaug Hong, HyeIn Shin, JaeHyoung Yun, WonHyoung Ryu |
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University |
광합성 전자 추출 기반 바이오 태양광 에너지 전환기술 동향 |
김용재, 홍현욱, 신혜인, 윤재형, 류원형 |
연세대학교 기계공학과 |
Abstract |
Photosynthesis of plant, algae, and certain types of bacteria can convert solar energy to electrons at high efficiency. There have been many research investigations to utilize this mechanism to develop photosynthetic bio-solar energy systems. In this article, the fundamentals of photosynthetic energy conversion mechanism are explained and various approaches are introduced and discussed. |
Key Words:
Photosynthesis, Bio-solar energy, Photosynthetic electrons, Thylakoid membrane, Photosystems |